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Saturday, May 3, 2014

Book Review: The Blood Cloth Syndicate (A Relics Novel) by Joseph Racconti

Title: The Blood Cloth Syndicate
Author: Joseph Racconti
Published: April 11, 2014
Pages: 344
Genre: Suspense/Action/Adventure

I was not expecting that.

I have been reading a lot of fantasy here lately mixed in with some YA and some historical fiction and while those stories are great, I wanted a break. Something different.

I've read a decent amount of thrillers and when I was offered a chance to review this one, I took it. Timing seemed perfect. I was just in the mood for this kind of book.

I didn't have many expectations going in. I was hoping for a good story, something that could hold me over while I was trying to decide what to pick up next...

I was not expecting to be totally engrossed in the story. I was not expecting to have my heart racing, fearing for the character's lives. Simply put, I was not expecting this at all.

The story starts out with a flashback of sorts which really sets up the entirety of the novel. You have a character being summoned by Queen Elizabeth, who is then asked to protect.... it. Very vague. You learn a few key points such as the French involvement and IT'S obviously something they don't want the French to have... Basically it just throws you in and you HAVE to keep reading to put the pieces together, because it's just so intriguing not to.

You then go on to meet the main characters. There are quite a few of them, so it does take a while to really get the story rolling, but the in between is so action packed, it doesn't drag. The main idea is you have a group of normal guys just living their lives, until they find out that their ancestors were wrapped up in some crazy shizz and now it's their turn. I don't want to give too much of the plot away because half the fun of this book is reading and figuring out everything for yourself. I will say that keeping the characters straight did get a little confusing. There are quite a few and their names range from Paul and Pete, to John, Jimmy, and Joe. The more you read, the more these characters really become their own, so this was only a problem for a short while.

This story was very fast paced and action packed. It's the kind of story that keeps you wanting more and on edge until it's resolved, which I really enjoyed. Also, you have an author who isn't afraid to kill off his characters so take that as you will.

It also has a resolution. As I was getting closer to the end, I found myself getting nervous because there didn't seem like enough pages for what I thought needed to happen. I ended up pleasantly surprised (as seems to be the theme for this book) in how everything wrapped up and was left with a very satisfied feeling.

Racconti is a natural. He had a great idea and executed it very well. His writing flowed, his characters were more than just words on the page, and the entertainment value was definitely there. I can't wait to see what else this author has up his sleeve.

If you like suspenseful, action packed thrillers I definitely recommend picking this up. You won't be disappointed.

Overall rating:

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